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Call Center Services

We offer various services like – inbound call center services, outbound call center services, telemarketing services, and technical support services. Our call center gives you the best quality of BPO services including reduced handling time as well as a quick resolution to customer queries.

1. Inbound Services

Inbound services range from answering customer queries about the
product or services to providing them the resolution to the various
challenges they face with the services.

2. Some Offerings Of Our Outbound Support Are 

  • Lead generation
  • Customer retention
  • Sales services
  • Appointment scheduling

OBSRCM is a performance-driven medical billing service partner that can help your medical practice achieve revenue growth at reduced costs. Our healthcare revenue cycle management (RCM) specialists assist you with increased revenue and increased cash flow. With our experience and expertise, we decrease the manpower and realized revenue consistently.


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